Sunday, 19 May 2013

Eating for building muscle mass

The “eating for building muscle mass” guide

When it comes to building muscle it isn’t always about lifting weight and going to the gym. The fact is that for those how will want to get bigger alimentation is what they will need to first take a look at. The main thing people will need to eat is proteins and they can be found in many of the foods we can eat on a daily basis. Proteins also have amino acids which are vital for the human body’s healthy development, yet a balanced intake of carbohydrates is also necessary. For instance simple carbohydrates like those found in potatoes and white bread have a high glycemic index and are very good for your body. Whole wheat bread and oatmeal have complex carbohydrates and are thus recommended for those who are working out in order to develop their muscles.

So if you are eating for building muscle mass then you will need to be very selective with the foods you are eating. Only this way you will be able to achieve your goal of getting pumped up and looking good, of course, through training and not by eating alone. Below you will find a lot of the seven foods that you can consider if you want to grow larger through training.

       1.   Eggs: Eggs are recommended because they contain proteins that have a high biological value and the good news is those proteins can be easily absorbed by the human body. On top of the fact they contain proteins, eggs also have many vitamins like Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin E.

       2.    Next is tuna fish which is a highly popular food: This fish is very rich in proteins and it is perfect if you are training and need as many proteins as you can get. You can eat it uncooked right out of the tin or if you want you can add it to your salad or make a sandwich out of it. Everyone decides the way they want to eat it.

3.  Milk: As a baby we eat milk because it’s rich in vitamins, calcium and minerals and thus we strengthen our bones. People who are training should drink around one liter of milk per day in order to strengthen their bones and protect them while they are working out. Skimmed milk is recommended against any other type of milk out there.

4.  Lean meat: This type of meat is very rich in proteins and on top of that it also contains B vitamins and iron. It’s one of the most protein dense foods you can eat so you shouldn’t disregard it when training. You need to remember that overcooking it is not recommended, because if you will do so you will actually reduce the number of nutrients.

5. Turkey breasts or chicken breasts: If you remove the skin of these breasts you will have a very protein dense food. On top of that they don’t contain any fat.

      6.  Cottage cheese: For those who want to eat something before they go to bed this is the perfect food they should eat. It’s very slow digesting and provides an excellent source of proteins.

7. Nuts: If you want to get Vitamin E, fiber, magnesium, zinc and potassium, then you will certainly need to make sure that you will eat macadamias, almonds and peanuts. They are very healthy and will help you with gaining muscle through your training routines.

The fact is that eating for building muscle mass is very much recommended, but foods alone will not help you gain muscle. You will need to have a well define physical training routine in order to get the best out of those foods. On top of that you will need to eat these foods every two to three hours per day. Don’t forget to also drink a lot of water, at least two to three liters per day, depending on the intensity of your training. And last but not least, remember that eating is very important and if you will not eat enough, your body will resort to breaking up muscle tissue in order to repair itself. I guess that is not what you want, especially when you put so much effort into your training sessions. More Information please visits the site

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Obesity Fix - What science says about losing weight and keeping off in your middle age

Your health and fitness needs change as you age, especially regarding weight loss. When you reach middle age, you need to pay even more attention to maintaining your weight, eating a healthy diet, and the habits you keep.

There are many middle-aged men who have suffered an injury or illness, which causes them to be sedentary in his or her lifestyle. This is often the cause of the gain in weight. However, even given these circumstances, there are a number of fixes that can be made to habits, which result in a loss of weight.

Firstly, let`s look at the serious nature of obesity.

Facts on obesity

Obesity is such a major health risk because of all the serious health problems that it poses. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of severe conditions, including diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and certain cancers, and with increased risk of disability along with the chance of an early death.

Obesity is scientifically known as a public health concern in the United States, although it has taken decades for this fact to be officially recognized. In fact, in the United States, obesity (medically diagnosed) prevalence doubled among adults between 1980 and 2004.

Other studies show that more than 65% of adults are currently overweight or obese in the USA. As of 1999 more than 60 percent of American adults were overweight or obese

However, there is good news, as there are many methods of fixing obesity, which science has recognized. These methods are now going to be explained in detail.

Understanding obesity

There is a scale that the doctors and medical professionals use to classify obesity. Being overweight is classed as being 10 to 20 percent higher than your normal, healthy weight. Obese means that you weigh 20 percent more than your normal, healthy weight, and your extra weight comes from fat.

Finally, being classed as morbidly obese means that you are 50 to 100 percent above your healthy weight, or that you are so overweight that it could cause serious health problems.

It is important to see your doctor in order know where you fall on the scale. You can then take action based on this scientific understanding.

Nutrition is a key piece of the puzzle

The amount of food that you eat is just as important as the types of foods that you eat. It is important to know that you can eat too much of any type of food, so you need to have a balanced diet.

It should be noted that all foods have a calorie count, so if you consume too much of any food, you will gain weight (irrespective of any new foods that claim the opposite).

There are a number of methods that can be used to help you fix obesity issues. In order to combat obesity, you must control your portion sizes. Portion control is very important. A portion size represents a certain number of calories of your daily intake.

However, you should never restrict yourself or starve, as it will lead to an eventual binge. When you feel hungry and want to eat between meals or after a meal, think about making healthy and low calorie choices.

For example, you can eat plenty of lettuce or spinach, and it will make very little impact on your weight, plus it will really help your immune system. For many people, the big salad is a great tool to be used at lunchtime.

Also be sure to cut down on foods that are high in sugar, carbs, or fat to maintain heart health. Avoid commonly known unhealthy ingredients to help maintain good heart health and general wellbeing.

As fat is the most dense food in terms of calories, it makes sense to substitute some high fat foods for more protein or carbohydrate based foods.

The best sources of protein are seafood, lean meats, nuts and reduced-fat dairy products. Other good sources are soy products, grain products and plant foods. These healthy protein sources can be made into a range of very tasty dishes that will satisfy your appetite, reduce your waistline and increase your health overall.

Exercise is essential for good health

Eating the right foods in the right amounts is the key factor in combatting obesity; however, it is not possible to be really healthy without engaging in some type of physical exercise.

The U.S. Health and Human Services recommends that everyone engage in at least thirty minutes of moderate activity each day for good health. It will be tough to get back into an exercise routine, but this is something you must do.

Most obese people experience some discomfort after being inactive for a long time, but this is something that can be overcome with determination and discipline. A little discomfort is not a major health issue or reason to remain sedentary. As a middle-aged man, you still have a lot of vigor left inside, so use that to change your life.

Investing into a set of free weights for your household can help you a lot. If you don`t want to go to the gym, then you can workout at the start or end of your day. Free weights around the household can also give you more motivation to workout because you don't have any strangers staring at you.

When you get started, always have a rest day in between training days. The body naturally needs rest and time to recover, especially when you have been inactive for a long time.

One of the best ways to lose weight quickly is running.  Obese men often have trouble with their breathing so here is a tip: when you inhale, ensure that your stomach rises. When you breathe in this way, it means your lungs are fully inflating with oxygen. This will help your stamina and means you won`t get exhausted so quickly.

Try downloading a mobile app to your smartphone to keep track of your workouts. These handy apps can give you an accurate report of how long you've exercised and how many calories you`ve burned. You can also set them up to compare yourself to others to see how you rank (having a friend that you exercise with is a great way to stay on track).

Use a support group to help you

If you have a group of people that you can tap into then it will really help with motivation, staying on track and reaching your goals. There is nothing better than talking with people who understand what you`re going through, and are also looking to overcome obesity. You can find friends, family or local support groups to help you.

A great method is to post your progress pictures on an online forum such as  Other people will be able to critique how you`re doing, and can help steer you in a better direction.  Posting pictures is also a great way to get motivation and remain accountable to others.

Change your habits and behaviors

As you start to overcome obesity, there will always be some issues that you need to face as you adopt a new lifestyle. This is just natural, as you have built up habits over the years.

When you experience something that seems to take you off track, it is very important to avoid a guilt trip and just get back to your new healthy lifestyle.

Binging on food is the worst thing you can do. A binge is the worst of all habits and is a signal that you are emotional about some issue, as logically you know you are destroying any progress you have made (not to mention the damage that is done to your health).

Another habit is false hunger. Many people claim to be hungry, when it is impossible. For example, if you have eaten within the last few hours, your body does not need more calories; therefore you are not really hungry. Your brain has just taken on this habit, and you need to reverse it.

There are also other personal habits that you need to look at honestly and then face. If you can do this, then you will be on your way to fixing your obesity issue, and will enjoy life from a much healthier perspective. 


Always keep the health frame of mind in focus, as it is the long-term goal. You don`t need to weigh a certain number of pounds in order to be fit and healthy, so remove that thought from your mind. The World Health Organization defines health as A state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

It is essential that obese middle age men recognize that there is a solution to their weight issues and see that steps can be taken to overcome it. In the end you need to take action and find the solution that is balanced and healthy. There have been a number of methods laid out in this article that will let you get started. More information please visit site